Episcopal Accountabality

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IS it responsible for Bishop Ming to maintain his office in his current state. As a Bishop he is entrusted with the lives and careers of hundreds of Clergy, should he be making decesions that could have a radicle impact on their futures in his present state?

-- Anonymous, August 24, 2001


Reverend Smith, What is Bishop Ming's current state or condition?


-- Anonymous, August 25, 2001

Bro Smith, what indications do you have that Bishop Ming is not fulfilling his duties? I know that with God's Help and the help of Bishops Hilldibrand, Norris, Anderson etc the Annual Conferences of the First District went well. The fellow Bishops handled the physical load in a true team effort. It is my understanding that the Presiding Elders work closly keeping Bishop Ming informed. Bishop Anderson did a wonderful job with the First District Christian Education Congress and Bishop Ming was in attendance. It was inspiring to see him present at the worship services and the various events. You may recall that he came under strong rebuke on this board by some readers who felt that he destroyed many folks in previous assignments and that was BEFORE he became ill. Therefore, I wonder if his decisions will continually be critisised no matter what his health is. We chose to follow God's Word and pray for those who are in authority over us. Included in those prayers are prayers for wisdom and guidance

-- Anonymous, August 25, 2001

I would like to be identified with Bro. McCain. The Church does find itself in an unusual position due to Bishop Ming's health, but the First has decided to stand with him in sickness and in health. I join with the rest of the First Episcopal District Family in expressing words of appreciation to the Council of Bishops and those who presided on Bishop Ming's behalf. Despite his limitations, the work of the First is going forward. Bishop Ming daily demonstrates the grace of God and we continue to pray his strength in the Lord.

-- Anonymous, August 26, 2001

As a member of the first district I wonder if we are being realistic. The fact of the matter is tha Bishop Ming is not in good health and the pressures of running an episcopla districy, espicially the mother district are enormous. IN his condition is it not selfish of us to not allow him to devote himself to his own well being. So I poise a question to those who have responded thus far. CAn you get an appointment with Bishop Ming. Can he travel and directly attend to the matters of the District? Is it in his best interest to do so. At a certain point we must begin to understand the realities of this situation, Bishop Ming jis ill and we must keep him in our prayers, but it is selfish, inconsiderate and dangerous to the health of this man of great service to this Zion to not consider allowing him to devote all of his energies at this time to restoring his full ortion of strength. As for the 1st District it is worthy and deserving of a leader who is able to fully preform the duties that have been entrusted to him. I do not know if Bishop Ming has destroyed anyone in his previous assignments but I do know that the health of this great man and the effecient and progressive administration of the mother district are far too important to not give all options our full consideration. We owe it to ourselves, our church and to Bishop Ming.

-- Anonymous, August 26, 2001

Amen and Amen.

Pastor Paris

-- Anonymous, August 27, 2001

Bro. George Smith has raised an important question regarding Bishop Ming's responsibility. I believe that Bishop Ming is the only one who can truly answer this question. I believe he has and is answering the question by staying on the job. At times like this I am reminded that some things have more than two sides.

I agree that Bishop Ming as a servant of the Church carries the welfare of Clergy and their families in his decision making and the assignment of pulpits. I believe that the Presiding Elders through their council have advised and shared in this process. The same systems that Bishop Ming adheres to are utilized by every Presiding Bishop of our Zion.

As I review the results of the series of appointments from this past year, I believe we are hard pressed to challenge what has taken place. Furthermore, I am not aware of any challenge from amongst the Clergy who received the appointments/transfers received.

If I am correct, most of the challenges to Bishop Ming's leadership coming from outside of the First Episcopal District. I believe that the spectators of the First may want to follow the leadership of the Clergy from within the First.

The REAL ISSUE for discussion is, "WHO would follow Bishop Ming should he request to be located and what impact would this have on the current state of Episcopal appointments?"

Under these circumstances, I think it is easier for most of us if Bishop Ming remains on the job and we remain in prayer for his health.

-- Anonymous, September 01, 2001

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