Epson 1680 : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread |
HiI am planning to get a flat bed scanner to scan 4x5 and 8x10 transparencies. The reivews on Epson 1680 are good. I would like to hear some user's opinions. Among $1000 scanners, is it the best choice? Will it do a decent job for prints less than 16x20? Thanks
-- Tao Wu (, August 22, 2001
I have been using the 1680 Pro (the only model that ships with the TU included) for a few months now, and am very happy with its capabilities and its performance. I get crisp, clean scans of 4x5 film and transparencies. At 300dpi. file sizes range 17-32Mb. These have produced some very nice prints at 11x14. With good 35mm transparencies I have gotten very nice 2880dpi output in the 5x7-8x10 size on an Epson 1280 Stylus printer. I recently have begun scanning 8x10 transparencies (without film holders) utilizing the variable focus abilities of the scanner, with good results. One note: B&W negs scanned as positives, and then inverted in Photoshop produce the best densities.I have used several lower priced scanners, and found that if you are serious about the output you get, this is the best product you can purchase, short of buying a scanner costing 5-10X this much.
-- Matt O. (, August 22, 2001.