Microwaving Corn on the Cob in the husk.greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
A friend gave me this suggestion and I love it. Put corn in the husk in the micro for 4 minutes per ear of corn. When finished, use oven mitts (cause it is really hot!)and pull off the husk from the top and the silk comes right off with it. The corn turns out hot, moist and crunchy and cooked through and through. Enjoy this, if you haven't already tried it. C
-- Carole (carle@earthlink.net), August 21, 2001
AHA! FOUR minutes...that's why mine didn't turn out so well, I was going for 3 minutes. My former brother-in-law was a genius at doing these, couldn't remember how long he had them in there. As I recall, he turned them a bit about halfway through.Going to have to get a few more cobs, though with this horrendous drought here in Ontario this summer the peaches and cream that I love is a little on the tough side.
-- Chelsea (rmbehr@istar.ca), August 21, 2001.
Halfway throgh we pull back half shuck add butter. Hmmmm good eating.
-- Kenneth in N.C. (wizardsplace13@hotmail.com), August 21, 2001.
Been doing it this way for awhile , the only better way is in a real wood fire.
-- Patty {NY State} (fodfarms@slic.com), August 21, 2001.
Depends on the microwave and the amount of corn - I've used anything up to seven minutes with a lot of cobs. If it's no good, try another minute. Don't take the husks off after cooking - just pull them all back and down to form a handle for the cob.
-- Don Armstrong (darmst@yahoo.com.au), August 21, 2001.
I planted a new variety of corn this year[ rainbow inca from seeds of change]its a sweet corn or let it stay on for grinding for cornbread, Trouble was it didnt taste good when I cooked it for sweet corn? Then my son sage [ no pun intended]tried one raw[ 6 year olds love stuff right out of the garden]It was deliciouses! got out the cataloge turns out it was bred for eating raw.Barely got any dried for grinding [every time I turned around sage was in the garden eating corn].
-- kathy h (ckhart55@earthlink.net), August 21, 2001.
We've been doing corn that way for a long time. Now we got this no brainer microwave and just push 'fresh vegetables' and it comes out perfect everytime.All those years learning how to cook in the microwave, wasted.
-- debbie jacobs (debjacobs8@cs.com), August 21, 2001.
I do a dozen at a time on the grill, it takes about 15 minutes, I can't get that many in a micro.
-- hendo (redgate@echoweb.net), August 22, 2001.