Epson 1680 Selective : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread |
This is a question for those of you who use the Epson 1680 Pro on a regular basis. There was some discussion a while ago regarding scanners, DMax, mounting fluids, etc. and someone mentioned the 1680's ability for selective focus depth. I know how this works, and the why/how of it - but as far as I can see this seems to be an automatic setting adjustment that the software makes based on whether "reflective" or "transparency" is chosen as the scan method. I cannot find a user setting that would allow for a transparency to be scanned directly from the glass surface (i.e. not in a film holder) where it would be "mounted" via the fluid. I am interested in doing this because I would like to scan 8x10 transparencies and do not have a holder that large. Experienced 1680pro/SilverFast AI5 users?............
-- Matt O. (, August 18, 2001
Matt,In Silverfast (v5.5 on my system) the focus depth can be set independent from reflective vs. transparency. Look at the icons along the left side of the preview window. The icon to set focus is the 6th tool down from the top (between the scan pilot icon and the IT8 calibrate icon). When you click this icon, the number inside the icon flips between "0" and ""2.5". When using the holders, set it at 2.5, and if scanning on the bed, use 0. This tool doesn't have a tool tip mini help description at the bottom of the window like the other tools have. Good luck.
-- Larry Huppert (, October 05, 2001.