a joke

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Beyond the Sidewalks : One Thread

Public radio was off the air for a few minutes today so I was channel surfing while on my route. I wound up with Dr Laura and she read an e-mailed joke.

Two sisters, a blonde and brunette, inherited a farm. After a few years the farm wasn't doing well and they concluded they needed a bull to build their herd so they'd have some more cattle to sell.

The brunette went to town to buy a bull after discussing the plan with blonde sister. The plan was if brunette was able to find a bull they could afford she'd telegram sis to bring the stock trailer into town.

Well, brunette went to town and sure nuff, she found a bull and paid $599. for him. Then she went to the telegraph office and told the telegrapher "I need to send a telegraph to my sister. It sez Found a good bull, Only $599. Bring trailer and I'll meet you at the auction house."

Telegrapher sez "Jeez lady, thats gonna cost $18 and you only gave me $1.oo Can you condense it to one word?"

Brunette sister thinks a bit and sez "Yeah. The word is comfortable."

Telegrapher sez "Comfortable? Why comfortable?"

She sez "My sister is a slow reader?"

Come for the bull

-- Anonymous, August 15, 2001


FUNNY one John! Definitely a contender for the hall of fame dumb blonde jokes.

-- Anonymous, August 16, 2001

John...why couldn't it be the brunette that is the slow reader??? Us blondes are always getting the bum rap :-)!!!

-- Anonymous, August 16, 2001

I know a blonde woman who typifies Blonde jokes. The thing is, it's not her natural hair colour! I've always wondered if she bought the commercial "Is it true Blondes have more fun?", or whether she thought she'd be forgiven for not thinking if she bleached her hair.

-- Anonymous, August 17, 2001

Try this one. Look at your sweetie, and move your lips without any sound comming out saying this. Alligator poop.

Next thing you know they'll say "I love you too." he he he

-- Anonymous, August 17, 2001

Good one, Cindy!! Does it matter if "he" is blond or brunette :-)??

-- Anonymous, August 17, 2001

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