Durst F30 or 606 Partsgreenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread |
Greetings,I once saw a old Durst F30 really cheap w/o the negative carrier. Is this a difficult part to get? I look around on the B&H and Adorama and didn't find any. any advice before I spend $30 too much on this machine.
I also saw a Durst 606. are parts still available for any of these enlarger?
I am thinking nothing much can break, but maybe adding a filter kit or lens.
-- alex siu (alex_s2@yahoo.com), August 15, 2001
You can find parts for these enlargers at the following web site:http://www.photomall.com/durst.htm
-- Benjamin Burge (everyman@centurytel.net), July 25, 2002.