What breed are they? (Poultry - General)greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I have a couple hens but don't know their breed. I set up a web page for them so you can help me figure it out.http://moonshinepublishers.tripod.com/unknownfowl.html
-- Robt. Rutherford (insomniac@deathsdoor.com), August 14, 2001
Light Bramas
-- grant (organicgrange@yahoo.com), August 14, 2001.
It looked to me like someone gave their wife an attitude adjustment. All I saw was a woman with a shiner.
-- Russell Hays (rhays@sstelco.com), August 14, 2001.
It looked to me like someone gave their wife an attitude adjustment. All I saw was a woman with a shiner. Unless I typed in the wrong address.
-- Russell Hays (rhays@sstelco.com), August 14, 2001.
I agree--Light Brahmas. I have one named Tootsie. Actually she belongs to my 12 year old (almost 13) daughter. She looks just like yours.
-- Sharon (spangenberg@hovac.com), August 14, 2001.
Russell, you did - or at least you didn't (go far enough). You stopped after tripod.com. You don't need to type the address - it's right there. Position the mouse pointer, left click and drag to highlight the address, use the Control and C (for copy) keys together to store the address (or click Edit and then Copy), click in the address bar of your browser (where you see "http://hv.greenspun.com/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg.tcl? msg_id=00651t" at the moment, then use Control and V keys together (or click Edit and then Paste), then hit Enter key. Much easier to do than to talk about - only takes two or three seconds once you've practiced it.
-- Don Armstrong (darmst@yahoo.com.au), August 15, 2001.