Which flash to use with FM 10?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread

Hi, Can someone please advise me on the best flash which should be used on a Nikon FM10? I have a 35-70mm and a 50mm lens (both manual). Thanx in advance. Dinesh

-- Dinesh Hukmani (dineshhukmani@hotmail.com), August 10, 2001


Dinesh, what purpose do you intend to use the flash ?

Anyway, you can decide which one suits your needs later. I'll try my best shot.

The thing is the Nikon FM-10 can only utilize manual or non-TTL auto mode in flash operation. That means you don't really need the latest flash unit, and your choice can be as wide as almost anything with ISO-shoe. Since I'm a Nikon user, I'll focus on the Nikon flash units.

If you are going to stick with FM-10, then, SB-15 comes into my mind. It's slim/compact body would go perfectly well with FM-10. Though it's small, it has bounce flash capabilities. You can find it used for around $100 in US. Make sure the SW-6 wide-angle adapter, that can be easily removed & misplaced, comes with the unit. The SW-6 is easy to order(around $3) here in Japan, but hard to find in the US.

Dinesh, you seem to be considering to buy a F-80. Then, my answer would be different. You may want something bigger(bigger output) because F-80 has a built-in flash, and SB-15 can do only few things the F-80 offers. I like SB-28 for it's versatility and power. Or, if SB-28 is too big/expensive for you, get SB-27. SB-27 is a good compromise between power/versatility and size/cost.

Hope this would be your help!

-- Hiroshi Shigematsu (pooh21@ninus.ocn.ne.jp), August 10, 2001.

I recommend the Vivitar 283 or the Vivitar 285(HV). Both are dirt cheap and are amazing flashguns for manual slrs without all the fancy TTL flash capabilities.

Below are a couple reviews on the 283:

http://www.photographyreview.com/Flashes/Vivitar+283+Flash/PRD_84018_3 121crx.aspx http://www.reviewcentre.com/review812.html

-- Tom V (tomhv@hotmail.com), September 10, 2001.

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