What's Denver Colorado and Surrounding area like?

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What's Denver Colorado and Surrounding area like? I've heard that the area has no fly's or mosquitos, has little to no humidity, and gets cool (50's) most nights during summer. Is this true? Tell me more.

-- Kenneth in N.C. (wizardsplace13@hotmail.com), August 08, 2001


We were just in Denver at the end of June and it was hot but with low humidity. It was in the 90's during the day and there was no airconditioning at my brother's house where we were helping them remodel their kitchen. The overhead ceiling fan made all the difference. He said usually the summers are not so hot there. Seems the story this year. Here in Nebraska it has been in the 90's for a few weeks but we have humidity to deal with. Keep the window airs on most of the time, downstairs and sleep upstairs without it but have a whole house fan which does a great job of bringing that cooler night air in (if there is any--lows of 70's isn't all that comfy with humidity but we are surviving. Tomorrow they say only in the 80's so we are happy. Nancy

-- Nancy (nannyb@huntel.net), August 08, 2001.

I've heard that Denver has some of the worst air quality in the country because of inversion, I think.

-- Elizabeth (Lividia66@aol.com), August 08, 2001.

Don't forget that Denver is one of the fastest growing areas in the country, too. They are beginning to have some real problems with sprawl, and prices are through the roof.

-- Julie (rjbk@together.net), August 08, 2001.

OK what about Maine?

-- Kenneth in N.C. (wizardsplace13@hotmail.com), August 08, 2001.

I have two brothers in the Denver area. They like it, BUT beware -- housing xosts are outrageous. On an average salary, it is difficult to find a house to buy. He said they are building house, after house, after house and they all cost over $500,000.00.

-- connin in nm (karrellewis@aol.com), August 08, 2001.


-- Mona in OK (modoc@ipa.net), August 08, 2001.

It depends on how far you want to drive. I lived in Denver as a youth and the air quality even then was not good. But then we moved out near Parker, half way to Colorado Springs and it was nice. Low humidity, temps not too bad at night. Dad drove 50 miles to work in Denver, though. My sister still lives in Elizabeth and loves it. But the whole area is beginning to grow alot. The trees there are a little sparse, since you are on the edge of the plains, and water is becoming a major issue for a lot of people. I would consider the area, but not Denver proper. There are many little towns SE of Denver where housing is not so costly, but again, costly is in the eye of the beholder. I hope this helps somewhat. I am presently considering a position in Colorado Springs and have researched the area.


-- Chris Tomlinson (cdtomlinson@hotmail.com), August 09, 2001.

I've been getting a good bit of negative info on Colorado. My wifes sister just got back from Maine. She loved it. Of course she wasn't looking at real estate or employment they were on there second honeymoon.

Its so muggy here today its hard to breath outside.

-- Kenneth in N.C. (wizardsplace13@hotmail.com), August 09, 2001.

Upstate NY

-- Patty {NY State} (fodfarms@slic.com), August 09, 2001.


I've lived in Colorado Springs for the past three years. We've had a warm summer, but - you're right - low humidity and almost no bugs!

Colorado Springs is still an affordable and livable city, although rather conservative.

Feel free to email me if you have specific questions.

- Ellen

-- Ellen in CO (Eslavitz@hotmail.com), August 09, 2001.

The Denver area ...all along the front range is one city blending into another. It is a fast paced rat race environment brought on by the great influx of Californians in the past 10 years.

But do not judge the rest of the state by what is an ongoing mess on the front range.!!!!

Get away from that and up in the mountains away from the ski resorts and it becomes affordable.

The humidity is low on the front range...lower in the mountains and on the west slope where we live.

Low rain fall in the summer til August when we have monsoon and it rains daily. Humidity is in the 40%-50% during the rainy season.....15%-20% during the dry times. Temps...July is the warmest when it gets to around 90. This morning at my house it was 43 degress with a high today in the 70's.

Warmer temps around Denver...nothing to see 90-100 in the summer. lows in the 60's most generally.

Winter here is mild....no one believes that til they have spent a winter here. Lots of days in the 60's and 70's. People do not wear heavy winter coats during the day...the sun is so intense that a sweatshirt or jacket is enough.

Sunshine 330 days out of 365. 3 days of clouds in a row and people get grouchy.

We have a great quaility of life here...I would not live anywhere else!!! And I am a native of Mo.

Out my backdoor is 1.9 million acres of National Forest. And that is just one of many national forests in the state.

Compare this to where you live.....

-- Lynette in Colorado (fear_the_bear@webtv.net), August 09, 2001.

I recently moved to boulder, colorado. The weather is hot in the summer, but not too cold in the winter. Lots of snow! The growing season here is only about 5 months and less in the mountains. The air quality is horrible and urban sprawl is everywhere. I would consider southern Colorado. I can't wait to move because of all the pollution and people. It is very claustrophobic!

-- jennifer burnett (liljen240@yahoo.com), December 30, 2001.

My sister lived in Aurora, Co. for a year. She loved the weather, but it was very crowded and expensive where she was. Not sure about the rest of the state. The mountains sound beautiful. I'm in Maine...and it's great!!!

-- Marcia (HrMr@webtv.net), December 30, 2001.

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