Katie and the gyno

greenspun.com : LUSENET : digital ink : One Thread

Personally, I've never had a male gyno, and I will never have a male gyno. Ain't gonna happen. He cannot sympathize, I can't ask him what yeast treatment he uses, I can't complain about pain during sex because he DOESN'T UNDERSTAND.

"He wasn't like, 'Damn, baby, you're sexy.'"

What would you have done if he HAD said that? Gotten the hell out of there? I sure hope so!!

-- Anonymous, August 07, 2001


Um, yeah... that wasn't supposed to be taken seriously. :)

-- Anonymous, August 08, 2001

I resent a society that forces men to toil for many grueling years in school spending obscence amounts of money on tuition and drinking enough coffee to kill an elephant in order to stay up 'till the wee hours of the morning and later just to learn things that most normal people would never use in their entire lives (note to self: stop, breathe... good...) for the purpose of being allowed to have women give them money to do all sorts of things to their naked bodies. Why, if I tried that I'd be locked up and forced to register as a sex offender. Fucking double standards...

(P.S. - That was supposed to be humorous. I think I failed miserably trying to make it so.)

-- Anonymous, August 09, 2001

Well, not MISERABLY... ;)

-- Anonymous, August 10, 2001

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