Denton Texas State Fair & Rodeo : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Does anyone on this forum live anywhere near Denton Texas? They are going to have a fair and rodeo on the 17th thru 21 of August. I was wondering if any body was going to go or have gone to it? I've only gone once to it, was not that great of an experience due to certain family members. Has anyone been through the barns? I would love to see the different types of animals. Oh well just curios. Don't mind me I'm in the dumps again.

-- vicky (, August 07, 2001


We live just outside Denison,which is about 60 miles North of Denton. Lived in Frisco for several years,and used to go to the fair some. Wasnt that exciting. They do have some good animal shows though. Good luck.

-- Don or Carla Sloan (, August 08, 2001.

We showed in Denton for years, it is a little over 3 hours north of us. It is just to blasted hot! We always had to have a fan per pen going, and then the fight would insue with not enough electrical outlets! The does had no interest in making milk for the show, everyone was irritable. The diary goat show was usually before the fair started so our does were in clean pens. Vicki

-- Vicki McGaugh TX (, August 08, 2001.

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