Does Anyone Know about Data Protection Act : LUSENET : Repossession : One Thread |
Does anyone know about the Data Protection Act changes to facilitate obtaining printed information under a SORN. Or is this just a rumour, I heard it was supposed to happen in October.
-- Jon Sapsford (, August 07, 2001
Hello Jon, No it isn't a rumour - it is a fact. You, being the data subject are entitled to have copies of all data held on computer by the data user (Bank;Bldg.Soc;etc)which relates to your case. You will have to pay for this info.but no more than £10 for the whole lot. Your request for this info. is what is known as a S.A.R.N. (Subject Access Rights Notice.)At present you are not able to request written data details but this will change in October 2001 - which in effect means that you will then be entitled to ALL data - whether on computer or on paper. Send your request by Recorded Delivery; keep copies of everything; keep all their letters & envelopes as proof; don't discuss the matter on the 'phone with 'them'. Don't be fobbed off by the Data User - you have a right to the data. Good luck, Joy
-- Joy Harker (, August 07, 2001.