greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

hi all, Our Romney Ewe, fairly young, i don't know how old she is, is listless and ears are down. Was wondering if she ate too much grain. Flies around her butt, and her droppings look like she has diareahha. (sp?)She has been this way for 2 days, and is skittish, not wanting to go in at night. Usually she is trained to the bucket and comes running. Other 3 sheep are fine. Any clues? If anyone out there has any suggestions to treatment, please respond. Could it be the heat--it's been hot here in NE WA state, but they have plenty of water. Thanks.

-- jeannie (mmp@theofficenet.com), August 06, 2001


Is she eating at all?

-- JoAnn in SD (jonehls@excite.com), August 06, 2001.

Check her bottom, sounds like she may have maggots.

-- kathy h (ckhart55@earthlink.net), August 06, 2001.

If the diahrreah is pale greyish green she may have eaten too much grain. I think a solution made up with some baking soda (several tablespoons) in some water may help stop some of the acid that would be forming in her stomach... I'd ask a vet if you can. They will probably suggest some antibiotics as well. (do check for maggots though especially around her backside)

-- jen (jennifer.nepton@airways.co.nz), August 06, 2001.

Have you wormed her lately. Sometimes a heavy load of worms will cause loose stools. Definately check her for maggots, it's pretty nasty to take care of but if you don't she's a goner. I lost a angora goat kid this summer to maggots. Have they gotten new pasture? Hope she's better soon.

-- Betsy (betsyk@pathwaynet.com), August 06, 2001.

A greenish stool and off feed in a young animal could be cocci. I would either run a fecal to the vet to confirm prior to treating, or treat for cocci with Albon or another treatment. I would also give her some Probois, Vit. B and something to get the runs stopped before she gets dehydrated. Cocci can kill quickly.

-- Leslie in Western WA (sundaycreek@gnrac.net), August 06, 2001.

First I would catch her, wash her butt and clip around that whole area.Romneys carry a lot of wool and with loose stools that area will be a breeding ground for flies and maggots. Called flystrike once you get the maggots. Prevention is easier than the cure! Than get a fecal test done to see if she has parasites or coccidiosis and what kind. When's the last time you wormed them? You can give her peptobismal for the diarrhea, but need to know the cause. Until she is better, I would keep her in the barn, shadier and less flies.

-- Kate henderson (kate@sheepyvalley.com), August 07, 2001.

So whats happened with the Romney Ewe? Did she clear up?

-- Alison in N.S. (aproteau@istar.ca), August 13, 2001.

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