gr dv-3 : LUSENET : A One Forum : One Thread

Any idea, how I get video from the JVC GR DV-3 on to my PC?


-- Gerry McLaughlan (, August 06, 2001


What connectors do you have on your Video Gerry? I reckon the All in Wonder Pro should cover all your bases

-- John Holroyd (, August 08, 2001.

Is it a digital video camera (DV or Digital8) with a Firewire/IEEE1394 port? If so, get yourself a suitable card and editing software (e.g. Pinnacle Studio DV). Remember that video capture requires a lot of bandwidth and disc space -- e.g. Studio DV needs a sustained 3.6Mb/s to capture, and takes up 200Mb per minute of full quality video!

-- Andrew Edney (, August 16, 2001.

It seems to have Dv out on the Camera, sVHS and composite using the supplied base unit.

-- gerry.mclaughlan (, August 16, 2001.

Use DV if you can, it will give the best quality and the camera can be controlled from the PC (I think most DV editing suites provide this).

-- Andrew Edney (, August 16, 2001.

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