Mouth problem on wether (Goats - Health/Treatment) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I have a nubian wether (3years old) who has a mouth problem. It seems to get crusty and cracked around his lips and nose. I have had the vet look at him and no ideas, not ringworm, etc. I have other goats (does only) and he is the only one that has this problem. If it was sore mouth, wouldn't everyone have it? He has had this once before also. I do put a top dressing (1 tsp) of ammonium chloride on his feed to help with the urinary calcili. I do not put it on the does feeds. Could this be drying his mouth out so that it is chapped? He does lick his lips alot after he is done eating. This normally clears up in about 2 weeks after I discontinue the ammonium chloride. Does any one have any suggestions or advise as to this what this problem is caused by? Thank you for your help.


-- Lisa Banik (, July 31, 2001


Lisa, I used ammonium chloride as an additive for about 5 years before it was mixed into my custom mix. So I just can't see how this could be causing this. If you really think it is, than take this advice from somebody else on the forum that I thought was great. Make the ammonium chloride stick to his feed better, first pour his grain for the day into a bucket, then add your one teaspoon for the day of ammonium chloride in a little pile, then pour apple cider vinegar over it to dissolve it into the grain, and then shake the bucket, this will distribute it better, then devide this inbetween two small feedings. At 3 years old he should be eating very little grain anyway, and some grass hay, with whatever browse you can offer him. If you just put him on a grass hay no grain diet, with loose minerals out, you wouldn't need to be using the ammonium chloride. Vicki

-- Vicki McGaugh TX (, July 31, 2001.

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