George Smith With A Dose Of Sanity On "Code Red" ... : LUSENET : Poole's Roost II : One Thread

As usual, he nails it. Says it better than I could.

Beware of government hysteria carefully designed, in fact, to encourage the erosion of that pesky Freedom Of Information Act. :)

-- Anonymous, July 30, 2001


By the way, you'll see some familiar names in there -- including the ITAA and the redoubtable Senator Bennett.

Today's extra credit question: why would the ITAA be so interested in amending the Freedom Of Information Act?

Answer that and you're halfway home.

-- Anonymous, July 30, 2001

Stephen -

Interesting "rant" by George Smith. He's a good man to recommend Keegan's The Price of Admiralty. When I lived in England I used to read Keegan's newspaper pieces all the time.

I'm in the middle of a book called "Every Man Will Do His Duty" (edited by Dean King) which gives first hand accounts of life in the Royal Navy from 1793 - 1815. Nelson figures prominently in many of the narratives. What would dear old Horatio say about the military's response to a computer virus ("Every man will ensure his virus checking software is up to date".......)

-- Anonymous, July 31, 2001

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