which meat rabbit (for FFA show)?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I'm in FFA and I wanted to get the rabbit show back in FFA. This year I experimented and showed my Mini Rex buck but decided I also wanted to do a meat rabbit(any aution money is help for college). I'd like to know things like what breed, what to look for, male or female? I've shown other market animals but I don't know if that experience will help. Any help will be appreciated!!

-- mchelle in oregon (holbrook@terragon.com), July 30, 2001


Response to which meat rabbit

most medium rabbits, are good meat rabbits. Find a good breeder,, most will be willing to help you. Hopefully he has hutch cards with them,, those tell you alot,, (maybe Ill start useing them)

-- Stan (sopal@net-port.com), July 30, 2001.

You may want to check out www.arba.net. This is the site for the American Rabbit Breeders Association. They can give you lots of information.

Hope this helps.

-- Tom S. (trdsshepard@yahoo.com), July 31, 2001.

I know that New Zealands and Californians are both good meat rabbit breeds. You might also try posting your question on the discussion boards at www.rabbitweb.net. Everyone there is very helpful.

HTH, Tracey

-- Tracey (trjlanier@cs.com), July 31, 2001.

The Professional Rabbit Meat Association has information on its website. http://www.prma.org There's a link for PRMA members who sell breeding stock. You'll find a link there for someone in Oregon.

I raise New Zealand whites in my commercial rabbitry. I have a few Californians left but am not as pleased with their performance. NZ grows out quickly and is ready for market around eight or nine weeks if you're working with good stock.

You're welcome to email me if you need more information.

-- Robin (follette@prexar.com), August 01, 2001.

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