Provia 400 Slide Film-First Impression : LUSENET : Pentax 67 SLR : One Thread

I have heard some good reports on this film so I decided to try some myself. The color saturation is quite good and similar to Provia 100. Exposure accuracy seems to be close to 400 but I agree with other reports that a slight ( < 1/2 stop)underexposure works best. The grain was a real surprise. I was expecting to see very noticible grain but was pleased to see only a small difference between this film and Provia 100. A 16 X 20 inch print should be easy. Also, I did not see any green shift on long exposures that Velvia has. An outstanding film for handheld work or tripod work.

-- Steve Rasmussen (, July 29, 2001


Yes, this is the new version of Provia 400, RHP III.

-- Steve Rasmussen (, July 30, 2001.

Presumably you are referring to the new Provia 400F rather than its predecessor Provia 400?

-- Ed Hurst (, July 30, 2001.

I've also used this film (very useful with my new 300mm lens!), and found it to be very sharp with nicely rendered colours. Larger grain than the 100F can be discerned under very close inspection, but for a 400 film, it's remarkable. If I weigh up the slight increase in grain against the increased depth of field or faster shutter speeds allowed, it's an equation that adds up for this film.

-- Ed Hurst (, July 31, 2001.

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