Recipies for black : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I have a bunch of black cherries. They are on bushes. I think they are nuntucket[Sp?] They are bitter right off the vine. Anybody know what to do with them?
-- tracy (, July 29, 2001
You probably have chokecherries. They are not good to eat fresh, but they make excellent syrop, and fabulous red wine. I am from Saskatchewan, Canada, I picked some yesterday off my tree in backyard, before the robins get em. I used to shoot those bloody robins with an air pistol-so they pay the price for eating my chokecherries...I have planted 14 acres of chokecherry orchards on my parcels of land-they are marketable fruit. Try making some wine from them, you*ll like it...Regards from Saskatchewan
-- Alexander Levin (, July 30, 2001.
Chokecherries make wonderful jelly also. If you don't have time now, just wash and freeze whole. Try Mrs. Wages low-sugar pectin. We like it the best.
-- Barbara Fischer (, August 01, 2001.