which agfa scanner for lambda prints from 5/7-negs?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread |
I do lambda + frontier prints up to 120x150cm from 5/7-c-negativs. Up to now I had them made, but think about investing in a good-enough-scanner. Now Agfa reduces prices for some models and I don't know: for up to which size would be suitable: DuoScan F40, DS HiD, DS t2500. I need very good quality! Can anybody give a hint? Thanks!
-- Ralph Hinterkeuser (foto@hinterkeuser.de), July 27, 2001
my recommendation would be to spend the money getting REALLY good drum scans from an outfit such as NancyScans, instead of buying a scanner. the difference between top-quality drum scans and scans made from the scanners you are talking about, is significant. if you really want the best, then get drum scans.~cj
-- chris jordan (cjordan@yarmuth.com), July 27, 2001.
Ralph -In some recent articles on scanning in PEI (PhotoElectronic Imaging) Magazine, a comparison was made between a drum scanner and the $16K Imacon FlexTight - which has been a highly-touted CCD-based scanner.
Interestingly enough, when the chips are down, the Imacon apparently didn't measure up to the drum scan. This wasn't the first time that I'd seen even the Imacon take a second place to a drum scan.
I've got an Agfa Arcus II - optical resolution 600 dpi. It's good - but that goes only so far. Certainly nothing for printing at high quality. My buddy has a DuoScan, and it, too, only goes so far.
Stick with the GIGO rule - and spend the few extra bucks on scanning that will match the output you wish to achieve.
Alan Agardi
-- Alan Agardi (alanagardi@sprintmail.com), July 27, 2001.
I agree on what has been said. If you want professional quality, a minimum is a mid range scanner such as the Imacon Flex Tight or the cheaper Scitex Jazz. Only these produce the quality you are expecting from a medium or large format slide. However, as you are starting from a 5x7, I think a Duoscan HiD should give you decent results, but not to the size you mention.
-- Paul Schilliger (pschilliger@smile.ch), July 28, 2001.
i own a duoscan T1200, and i've done a lot of scan with it, unfortunatly, nothing to compare with a drum scan ! on the other hand, if you plan to print a lot on an epson 2000P, on a A3+ paper size from large or medium format slides or neg, the best value for money is the epson 1680 pro, i've done different test with different scanners in this price range, in my opinion agfa are good with slides, but not good at all with color negs ! but if you don't need to scan a lot, then buy a cheap epson just for prview and web use, and pay for drum scans !!!
-- dg (sacripant@online.fr), July 29, 2001.