update on false pregnancy in rabbit.......

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

well still nothing from this doe i guess she wont produce this time. But like I said i want to pass her genes on so for as long as she lives I refuse to give up on her. Im going to wait for this false preg. to pass and when shes in the peak of condition ill just try again and do hopefully everything right and if it doesont work ill just try again the next time LOL... I dont see any reason why this rabbit cant produce if i just keep trying and finALLLY GET IT RIGHT!!!!....

-- E ENDO.... (benhar@aol.com), July 26, 2001


unless shes a pet,, and its her second time,, its time to cull her. Even if she does take the next time,,, you dont want to pass on the "false preggers" genes. Then sonner or later,, ALL your does will have them. I had a beautiful black doe,, gorgeous,, everytime she had a litter,, she would kill them, literaly bite their heads off. Hated to do it,, but had to. Have never sen another one even close to her colour again

-- Stan (sopal@net-port.com), July 26, 2001.

feed her sunflower seeds as the vitemin e in them can help.wait tell weather cools and make sure she is in heat before breeding and let her and buck run together[ safe place]for a day or two.good luck, I had one who was hard to breed but she finaly had a large litter.

-- kathy h (ckhart55@earthlink.net), July 26, 2001.

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