Observation car tail lights (Mars, steady red, what?)

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Southern Railway : One Thread

I am modeling the Southern Crescent using KATO passenger equipment and diesels. Can anyone tell me what was used on the end of the observations (Mars lights, steady reds, etc?).


-- Bill Hamblin, Jr (billhamblinjr@home.com), July 23, 2001


The Southern Crescent, so-named,(which operated from 1970 to 1979) never had an observation car. There were observation cars on the former Southerner, and also on the former Crescent.

Those cars were discontinued probably by the late 50's. In 1970 the Southerner and Crescent were combined into one train, with features from each. It was named the "Soutehrn Crescent", which name was meant to remind passengers of the two former trains.

Neither train however, still had an observation car at that time, and thus the new combined train did not have one either.

-- bill haithcoat (bhaithcoat@ajc.com), May 26, 2004.

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