Organizational site ( : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Sorry folks, I posted the wrong site on the other post. It is

For those interested, I am one of the biggest slobs in the world and very unorganized. I started on this system (based on the books of the authors of "Side-tracked Home Executives"). IT DOESN'T COST ANYTHING!

I was constantly frustrated and aggravated by this. I was constantly "putting out fires" instead of living my life. You know, someone left the sugar out so now instead of doing something else you are cleaning a five pound bag of sugar off the floor. There is no way you can save it because heaven knows when the last time you mopped was.

They call it C.H.A.O.S. (Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome).

Well, I've been on this a week and my life is totally changed. I am planning my dinners for the week so I am not panicking at 5 p.m. about dinner (and do I have the stuff for it?). The house is clean constantly (I still have the deep cleaning to do but that will come). My husband is so much happier, so are the kids (no more screaming "Someone's Coming- CLEAN!"). I am working LESS hard but having more free time and less stress.

I have four kids (11,9,4,2) and lots of farm animals and a farm stand. If I can do this so can you.

If you are naturally organized- you don't need this!

But for the rest of us- try it for at least a month (to make habits) and see how you like it.


-- Amy Richards (, July 19, 2001


Morning Amy,

I checked out the Fly Lady a few months ago and agree that what she suggests helped me to get more organized. I seem to be pretty well organized to begin with but I'm always interested in new ideas and hers are really great. The only problem for me was all her e-mails! We were away for a weekend and when I got home I had 81 e-mail messages waiting and most of them were from the Fly Lady! Aside from all her e-mails, I think she definitely has a lot to offer. I discontinued getting her messages because I just couldn't take it anymore but I still polish my sink and wear my shoes everyday.

Wishing you enough (and an organized place to put it all).

-- Trevilians (, July 20, 2001.

I recently picked up their book The Sidetracked Home Executive at a book rescue. It's an easy read and full of good ideas. I need the inspiration! I have been reluctant to get the emails though, I spend too much time here as it is!

-- Jean (, July 20, 2001.

81 emails!!! Oy vey! You just convinced me NOT to get on that list. The ideas are good though!

-- Ardie (, July 20, 2001.

yeah get organized so you have the time to read all those emails ; )

-- somebody (, July 20, 2001.

They have revamped the list so now you only get about 5 messages a day. You can sign up for the extended list to get more than that if you want.

-- Amy Richards (, July 20, 2001.

oh my gosh Amy, I thought I was reading something I may have just typed as that is what it has been around our house. I put the phone down and yell everybody move quick company is coming. It has been a real disaster here since I have had company the past two weeks and everything was stuffed in the closet just to get it out of the way. I have read the sidetracked sisters books and just wished I had followed them all along. There is one Happiness in the Kitchen that is really worth reading by them also. I have loaned it to several people and they have loved and I am waiting to get it back again from my sister. I think she is reading it twice. Oh well hind sight is 20/20 so tomorrow I am going to unload the closets and help out Goodwill. I did empty 1/2 of everything in the kitchen drawers though before the summer started and that alone helped when I had company as I was able to find what I needed. Jenn

-- jenn (, July 20, 2001.

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