Who can honestly say that the newlt elected bishops are not doing there duties, especially Bishop Norris, who has already given his people there money stipends, and is about to expand new congregations into the Cameroon and another country?greenspun.com : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread |
I believe the newly elected bishops are doing the best that they can, under the different circumstances. I have read the other comments about bishops spending too much time in the U.S., but has anyone ever considered how difficult it is to get to the 14,17, and 18th districts than it is the other 2. I have talked to some of the bishops, and they have said that they can't get a VISA to go over sometimes, and I'm sure that you know that you can't go without a VISA. So my point is get a full look at the story before you criticize.
-- Anonymous, July 17, 2001
Greeting Brother Brown, I have read the past comments on this board concerning our overseas bishops. Some of them were very disturbing. We should pray for our 4 new bishops. They have had to make a lot of changes since their election. Bishop Norris attended our (10th District) Convocation. He was invited by Bishop Young. He shared with us about the work that he is doing in the 14th District. We were able to bless the people of the 14th with a finanial gift. I am glad that my bishop had the vision to help someone else. I agree with you Bro Brown,we should have ALL of the facts before we criticize. We need to pray for our episcopal leaders. What would we do if we were in their shoes?
-- Anonymous, July 20, 2001
Leroy where do u live and who told u that lie about the visa. U just want us to know that u have spoken to a bishop. Well we all do. Or are u actually the son of Bishop Norris. Just sit with his wife for a minute and you will find that she has nothing good to say about Africans period. They do not want to be there.
-- Anonymous, July 20, 2001
(Surprise, suprise coming from me ...) aWhilst it is yet early days, I have nothing but praise for Bishop Mckenzie as well as Bishop Ingram. On several occassions I had need to contact Bishop Mckenzie (regarding a situation in Mocambique)and have had an answer to every one of my correspondance. Where contact's been lost now and again, Bishop Ingram has proved to be of much help in this regard. When concern and help is offered and received, one must never neglect to acknowledge it, which is precisely what I am doing now God Bless
-- Anonymous, July 20, 2001
I want evryone to know, that Cedric is crazy and has been smoking something. Number one, I live in Atlanta, GA. Number 2, I do have the facts straight and you just want to start some trouble, so I'll forgive you for your comments due to your lack of knowledge, your age, and your stupidity. All of the overseas bishops are doing their hardest to uplift the people and the church. I know of expansion that has already happened in the overseas districts, especially the 18th with Bishop McKenzie and debt that has been paid off. So take that Cedric and tell me what u got.
-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001
Praise the Lord for the work that each new and past Bishop has given to the overseas churches. They could all do more if each local church would take on the responsibility to adopt/support overseas missions. Many in the local churches don't want to do mission work in the local community. Bishop McKenzie needs $$ for scholarships in order for children to attend school. We are blessed in the USA for public schools, in many of these countries parents struggle to educate their children.Send$$to those Bishops and tell them what you want to happen. The 16th Distict is in need of a tent for outreach in montego bay in Jamaica. They want to do the work but they need our help, come on AME-USA, give up something to make it better for someone else. Whatever you do unto the less of these you are doing it unto to the Lord!
-- Anonymous, July 23, 2001
The issue at stake should not be the personalities involved, but the systems we are putting in place. And I agree that we should have a look at the bigger picture prior to criticising left, right and center. The monies that are raised by AME in the USA, whether it is by local, PE districts, annual conference or episcopal districts, even donations from individuals, all of that money should be reflected in the annual report of the Episcopal Treasurer's at the Episcopal Planning Meetings. In the 15th Episcopal District, we have such meeting once per annum. This year, we held this meeting during January 2001 in Port Elisabeth, South Africa, and in the long term planning provided by our prelate, we are preparing to host the 2002 year Episcopal Planning right here in Namibia at Walvisbay during December 2001. When the 15th Episcopal District met for the joint Midyear Convocation at Hazendal, Cape Town, South Africa during May 2001, our prelate, through our Episcopal Accountant and Treasurer gave financial reports, and it reflected donations received from AME and non-AME's in the USA. And we thank the Lord for that. What we should call for are accountable and transparent administrations, and we should really try and refrain from personal attacks on the integrity of our episcopal fathers and mother. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Now I must admit that not all African countries are equally accessible and that some African districts are wrongly configurated. What I would propose are the re-arrangement of Episcopal Districts in Africa. We must drive away ignorance. When we talk about the 15th Episcopal District, people think only about South Africa and to a lesser extend about Namibia and nobody thinks about Angola. What came as thought was the re-arrangement (note: not additional) of episcopal districts in southern Africa, and to group, for instance, Namibia, Botswana and Angola in one episcopal districts because these three countries are geograpgical more closer to each other. This way, the AME Church can move up to northern and eastern Namibia to Angola and Botswana whereas we are presently have a dominant witness only in western, central and southern Namibia enroute to South Africa. Doing missionary work is tough, but we stand on the promises of God. Yes, many of us have been hurt individually and collectively, but blessings are disguised in the mix. Life is not always up, but also down, and the African Methodist Episcopal Church is the church of our choice. So, what I would propose we do is re-arrange the work in Africa in such a way that it would be easy for bishops to travel shorter distances, because we do not have 1st world transport infra- structures. Secondly, let us introduce chartered accountants to audit the finances on the various levels in districts where this is not yet done. Finally, it is still too early in the quadrennial to criticise the bishops. we can reflect what happened in previous administrations in order to learn from them, not to make a mockery of our leadership. God bless.
-- Anonymous, July 24, 2001