Videopack4 problem, ????? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Hi everyone,

I have just bought a new Aopen 1232 cdrw pro drive. I cant seem to get it working with videopack 4. I know that you have to download the drivers from cequadrats site but the drivers for my particular model are not there. The site has also changed to something called 'ROXIO'. Can someone please help me here. Thankyou.


-- sharky (, July 16, 2001


Did you download and try any of the drivers at the roxio web site, you`ll notice that the driver update for almost all drives is in fact the same file, so installing this driver file will probably work with your drive, it could be that with the AOpen being a newish drivw they haven`t listed it in the driver section database... :

I`m replacing my creative with the same drive as you have so i hope this helps :)


-- Alan (, July 18, 2001.

Scratch that first post of mine, I`ve just got a new AOpen 1232A and theres no way to get Video Pack 4 to support it..but there is a work around that lets you create your VCD with menu`s etc in VideoPack as normal and then export the raw file...its a bit of a long road for a short cut, but at least it does let you use your menus etc that you create in how I done it (It has worked perfectly every probs)

Here goes......

Here`s what i used.... VideoPack 4 - (to create the menu layout and raw images) WinOnCD 3.7pe, (to change the raw image into a c2d image) CDMage, (to turn the c2d image into Bin/Cue files) FireBurner, (to burn the Bin/Cue files) I made up the Menu`s etc in videopack, using one big mpg file (which was 73mins long with no breaks) and added entry points in videopack wherever i wanted them..then saved this image in .RAW format..... Than I open WinonCD and start a new "Custom" project, and import the Raw files...when you import them it ask`s you what kind of Track Image....i then saved it as a c2d image..... Then imported the c2d image into CDmage, and saved it as a Bin/Cue file, when i imported the c2d image created by winoncd3.8 it always gave me a error message of one kind or i changed to version 3.7pe and it works every time.."Perfectly" I then took the Bin/Cue files and load them into Fireburner and burn the disc..and hey presto a working vcd complete with menu`s etc...Phew!

I havent made a coaster yet using this method and all the menu features i use work as they should..(Next, Previous, Return, Menu etc..)

Hope this Helps...someone :)


-- Alan. (, July 20, 2001.

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