types of bees

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I started 2 new hives this year,, with 2 new strains of bees. I got them from Weavers, one, ALL AMERICAN,, doing ok,, but not alot of honey yet. A little agggressive, but not too bad. The other id BUCKFAST,, these are doing great,, beating the heck out of my ITALIANS in honey production, wax production,, non aggressive,, and no mites (yet) though I still cant figure out what that stuff is in the mite trap,,, found out it melts today. So maybe wax capping??? thought it doesnt smell or taste like it. (yes,, I tasted it). Wondering what kind of bees anyone else has tried

-- Stan (sopal@net-port.com), July 14, 2001


I have Italians and have always been pleased with them. Mine are not very aggressive and produce well. I did not requeen this year and thought I might have problems, but they are doing great

-- casey (ekfla@aol.com), July 14, 2001.

Stan, are you sure your not getting propalis in your mite trap? Just thinking. I'm glad you like the Buckfast bees. They were developed in England in a monastery, where the monks work them wearing their black robes! Takes a calm bee for that.

-- Judy C. Vaughan (whileaway3@cs.com), July 15, 2001.

I had many years of great production and healthy hives from BUCKFAST. I like their dark coloring; makes them easy to identify when neighbors accuse your bees are swarming.

-- JimR (jroberts1@cas.org), July 16, 2001.

Stan, I have always had Italians, but had to requeen after a bear knocked over my hive a couple years ago. The difference between those 2 italian hives was like night and day. The new italians are MUCH gentler, but also build up lightening fast in the spring! I've reqeened my second hive this past spring with a Russian queen (supposed to be mite resistant). When I have an opinion on them, I'll post it! (I only requeened about a month ago, but the hive has built up very fast since then.)

-- sheryl in me (radams@sacoriver.net), July 19, 2001.

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