Environmentally friendly windows

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Green & Sustainable Building Design : One Thread

Aloha, We are looking residential quality windows (casement, sliders, etc.) which incur the least embodied energy while including sustainable and/or recycled products. Any info on such manufacturers would be greatly appreciated. Dean Johnston M.Arch. in progress.

-- Dean Johnston (djohnsto@hawaii.edu), July 14, 2001


Hello Dean,

My husband and I are building an environmentally friendly home in Los Angeles. The most eco-friendly window I can find are Loewen. They power their plant with leftover wood (which comes from sustainable forests) and their finishes are non-toxic.

Best of luck with your building endeavors.

Kelly Moneymaker

-- Kelly Moneymaker (kmoneymaker@mac.com), January 27, 2005.

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