Have you considered . . . . . ?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread

I know that many of the readers and posters of this forum are AME Preachers or in training to become the same. If you are, have you considered joining the AME Connection Ministers, Spouses, Widows and Widowers, Organization Plus P.K.s Organization? This organization ministers to the preachers, spouses, widows, widowers, and preacher kids of the AME Church. It will be listed in the new AME Discipline. Mrs. Ora Easley is the very active president and the web site is: http://www.amemswwpk.org. An example of their ministry is the Preacher's Kids Scholarship awarded annually. I highly recommend this organization.

Blessings, Pastor Paris

-- Anonymous, July 14, 2001

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