A little of Humor.greenspun.com : LUSENET : Gore 2004 : One Thread |
If you want to have fun with the stupid of W.i recommend:
i was looking other sites and this is very funny.
-- Claire Sweeden (claire@go.com), July 14, 2001
Nice grammer, Claire. Is your shift key broken?
-- Ed Farmer (photography2k@hotmail.com), July 27, 2001.
My shift key, my grammer? you have a problem of communication, can you explain better yourself, this is not a board of adivination. For the rest of the Board have a nice day :)http://www.janrainwater.com/election2000.htm http://www.tarpley.net/bushb.htm http://www.geocities.com/floridavotecount/
3 good web sites but more serios than super bush jokes.
-- Claire Sweeden (claire@go.com), July 28, 2001.
For Al Gore to resurface in his bid to help the American people. Can we survive any longer with Bush? Maybe when World War 3 hits then we can pick up the pieces if any are left. Or we can start speaking out now! We don't care if your shift key is broken or not as long as you can keep a positive attitude, and a logical thread of thought...The honeymoon of 9/11 is over...the smoke has cleared & we can all see clearly now that a president that can't even remember the name of that speech you give Congress in January while you play a "Where's Waldo Game" starring Osama bin-Laden & Mullah Omar!
-- And it is Time! (workingstiff6198@yahoo.com), April 26, 2002.