Here's a blurb I found on Bio-diesel fuel : LUSENET : Archives- from C-side : One Thread

Here's a blurb I found on Bio-diesel fuel : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Another technology that looks interesting to me is biodiesel. This is a drop-in replacement for petro-diesel. I was reading about a guy that actually makes his own from waste oil collected from fast-food places. Basically, you filter the oil (to get food particles out) and mix 40 gal. of oil with 10 gal. of methanol, add 24g of KOH, heat it to 125 degrees F, and agitate it for 90 minutes. Afterwards, let it setle out, and it will separate into two layers. The bottom layer is 10 gal. of Glycerine, the top layer is 40 gal. of advanced Diesel substitute.

Got this off a bb I frequent. Wonder if you smell like french fries after you get through? :)

-- Kenneth in N.C. (, May 07, 2001


This has been discussed a lot over the past few years in Home Power magazine. They have a web site at, and there is a biodiesel website at


-- Jim (, May 07, 2001.

CS had an article a couple of issues back with instructions on how to do it. Also, I think the author posted an adendum to the article here at the forum. I am considering it if fuel prices keep increasing and I can learn to extract my own veg oil (would rather not be dependent on fast food wastes in case it rises in popularity).

-- Jay Blair in N. Al (, May 07, 2001.

SEE HTTP:// I'll post a bunch more links later

-- (PERRY@OFUZZY1.COM), May 11, 2001.

see HTTP:// for lots of good AT info.

-- (, May 11, 2001.

-- (, July 13, 2001

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