Kansas SB 299 to support conservation efforts and alternative energy.

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Archives- from C-side : One Thread

Kansas SB 299 to support conservation efforts and alternative energy. (Energy)

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

A proposed Kansas senate bill #SB 299 would encourage lower energy use in part by providing tax breaks to consumers who make homes and businesses more energy efficient or invest in renewable resources such as solar and wind power.

I remember that we did this in the 1970s and it worked well. I suppose the state lost too much tax money so did away with it later on. Here it is some 25 years later, and the powers that be finally woke up and smelled the coffee once again.

Please think about contacting your legislator and asking them to support this bill or some good form of it.

Sorry that I don't hot link, but here is the url for cut and paste. http://www.ink.org/public/legislative/fulltext.cgi

-- Notforprint (Not@thekeyboard.com), March 06, 2001


Most state and even some local governmental bodies offer tax incentives, rebates, and discounts for getting your own power....

Most utility companies will actually help a great deal in offsetting the costs of installing a unit with rebates and even help to pay for them in some areas (Idaho is one - Idaho Power will pay up to 40% of the cost of equiptment and installation!). Especially true if you are on the grid already....

If they can buy back some of your power, they don't have to pay other producers the high wholesale costs!! Check it out -

-- Sue Diederich (willow666@rocketmail.com), March 07, 2001.

-- (noneofyour@biz.com), July 13, 2001

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