Propane Prices $$ : LUSENET : Archives- from C-side : One Thread

Propane Prices $$ : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

It seems that the price of propane has not changed much here in the past 5 years. When I moved to southern Oregon I was shocked at the price of LPG the first time we had our 150 gallon tank filled, it was at the time $1.89/9. Where I had lived in western NY it was $1.19/9. The explanation I got from our supplier was, we only had the tank filled every 2 years, that was true, it was a remote cabin and the only use was for an old LP refriegeator and 3 Humphrey lights. At our home we filled up twice a year, still 1.89/9 and now here at our current place we use about 300 gallons a year, (just to operate a kitchen range) it has to be filled 3 times, how much? $1.89/9. I have been told that if we used 700-900 gallons per yr. we could get the price down to $1.75/9. The more you use the cheaper it gets, how much do i have to use to make it cheap? We would like to add a backup LPG heater in the house, (we heat with wood) but at the price, as it is now, who knows where it will go this winter, I am in a quandary. Fuel oil is even more and forget about kerosene, it is over $2.00. Is there any explaination? I can get a 20# tank filled at the gas station for $1-1.25 per/gal. someting is wrong here. Perhaps it is because our weather is so mild in the winter that the providers have to charge more to make their nut. I was just curious to here from others about LP prices. firewood by the way is $160/cord.

-- Hendo (OR) (, August 17, 2000


Hendo, you might try one of those new infrared gas heaters that have a mantle in them and are really basically cool on all sides. My friend has one he burns all the time in winter. He keeps their house almost uncomfortably warm. He has a house about the same size as mine (850 sq. ft.) and they also cook and heat water with propane, yet he only seems to use about 50 gallons/month. I don't have one of those heaters and we use around 110 gallons/month and don't even attempt to heat 1/3 of the house.

I bought propane last about 2 months ago. It was $1.20/gallon, up about .30. We don't really get discounts for buying more gas here, nor do they sell "contract" propane to individuals like some other folks have mentioned on this forum.

-- Green (, August 17, 2000.

Hendo, did I understand you to say that you're paying $1.89 for delivered propane and $1 to $1.25/gal for 20-lb tanks at the gas station? There is something wildly wrong there. Have you called around to other dealers? It seems to me it would pay you to buy a half-dozen 20-lb tanks and just keep rotating them as needed. Your firewood costs are awful high, too, but I'm unfamiliar with supply sitiuation out there. Here in Maine firewood is going for $100 to $130 a cord, delivered, cut and split and (in the upper end of the price) seasoned.

-- Cash (, August 17, 2000.

Hi Hendo. Here in SE TX, propane is about 1$ gallon, firewood about $100--$125 cord, delivered. I put in one of those Federal woodstoves last fall, which I loved using. Before, I had been heating with propane and Dearborne space heaters. I have four tanks, two 25 gallon and two 15 gallon, and I'd load them in my pickup and take them to the propane company and they'd charge about a dollar a gal. Several years ago we lived in a house w/ a 250 gallon tank in the yard, and it seemed to cost about 250 to have it filled, delivered, so I would also call around and see if you can get it cheaper. $1.89 sounds high.

-- Hannah Maria Holly (, August 17, 2000.

Oh yes, I have checked every supplier in the area, $1.89 is the price for LPG. One way I might get a better price is to buy my own tank and then shop the market.

-- Hendo (, August 18, 2000.

I didn't know you were renting the tank. That DOES make a difference. Around here (NE TX) propane was about .40 to .60/gallon higher if you rented the tank. I don't rent, but mine is still $1.20/gallon, and this is the off season. It always goes up in autumn and peaks in January.

-- Green (, August 18, 2000.

SW MO is a cheap .89 in customer owned tanks last we bought a month ago. Firewood: If someone advertises wood for $90, we think he is trying torip folks off. Plenty for $75 to 80 delivered. We cut our own for sweat and equipment cost. Don

-- Don (, August 18, 2000.

Here in SW Wisconsin at our Co-op we rent our tank, I guess that is what you call it. We dont own it,but also dont pay anything for it. We just have to use their lp, but it doesnt cost any more than if we did own the tank. We have to use 500 gallons year to get in on the contracted price. Last year it was .63\gallon this year it went up to almost a dollar, and we get a 3cent discount off that if its paid within 5 days of fill. I guess I won't complain anymore about the increase. Hope you can find a better deal. Tami in WI

-- Tami Bowser (, August 20, 2000.

Hi, Well, I live in a earth sheltered home, about 2000 sq ft. I heat with propane, which recently went to well past $1.39 a gallon, which still doesn't bother me. I might fill my tank, once a year, maybe & still have about 30% left over. Its a 500 gallon tank. I am thinking about installing (2) Humphrey lights, mainly for backup & the only heat source I have is a unvented space heater, I had permanentally installed on the wall in my living room. My best advice to anyone, who has high energy bills, think seriously into a earth sheltered can e-mail me for further questions & I am very happy in my home & have been for these past 20 yrs. I live just outside of Kansas City, Missouri. Thanks, Jim

-- Jim Greene (, June 20, 2001.

-- (, July 13, 2001

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