SHAME ON ALL OF YOU!! (For doubting thread) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

My name is Karen Gloster, my e-mail address is This is very real, and feel free to double check it! "Walt and Gladys" are my great grandparents. Let me tell you, they are more real than any of you can possibly be. I talked to my little grandma today, and she was all excited about having made her post, and cant wait to go to the liberry tomorrow and read your answers. She's gonna get all dressed up, and go in there and read THAT? Everything she said to you was true, amd lots more. How dare you people? I suggest whoever is in charge over there get out there big old delete button, and get rid of every one of those nasty posts before one o'clock tomorrow after noon, pacific time. I don't know where the time mix up came in, but let me tell you, she's at the liberry while Poppa's at the doctors every M, W, and Fr. And those nasty answers are gonna break her heart! Im just glad I called her today, and she told me about your stupid old forum. I found it because I wanted to see what she wrote, and i was so proud of her! She didn't know she could get e-mail at the liberry, and I told her, and she's planning on opening one tomorrow. How could any of you be so mean? So e-mail me why don't you, and pick on somebody your own size! Karen Anne Gloster

-- Karen Anne Gloster (, July 13, 2001


Response to SHAME ON ALL OF YOU!!

Karen- I am afraid that your poor grandmother is going to be in for a big disappointment- she won't be getting any emails tomorrow because she used a fake address. Maybe you could help her out with that?

-- Elizabeth (, July 13, 2001.

Response to SHAME ON ALL OF YOU!!

Hi karen how's the weather down there in Kentucky ,the plants been getting enough water? Stirr it up ,little darling.

-- Mr Know (, July 13, 2001.

Response to SHAME ON ALL OF YOU!!

Hi Karen, Well shame on you too! LOL Maybe you did the Gladys post??? If Gladys is for real why would it break her heart? Certainly she would understand why people would question her fake email (humm...library has AOL email accounts???), oh yeah, I forgot..must be a very liberal library they are open at 1:00 a.m....or could be the 8 mile round trip to get the mail. Oh yes, then there is the raising of the cow, goats, pigs, rabbits, bees, and the egg gathering and the garden and the flowers...all to sell..oh yeah, I forgot the butter making...all from that graded dairy facility they would have to have to sell the stuff legally....all after that 8 mile walk. Gee, why would people think from that it can't be real. People are voicing thier opinion...Gladys doesn't like opinion?

Yeah, I was all for peace and each to his own opinion and it takes a lot for me to get riled up..but come on enough is enough already! Get a real life and go write fiction some where else and let us get on to things that matter here.

-- Karen (, July 13, 2001.

Response to SHAME ON ALL OF YOU!!

I read her post but did not respond. Real or not I loved the thought of being so enerjetic at that age. My grandfather was like that. When he was in his 80's he took a fall getting onto his horse (he had to get on the back of the buckboard wagon just to get his foot in the stirup) anyway the fall broke loose a tumor on his spine and he could not move from the waist down. He quit eatting and passed away within a month. He said if he could not milk the cow, work on the tractor and do the haying and all the farm thing he loved he did not want to live and that wonderful stuborn old man always got his way. I have missed him every day for the last 20 years I am glad you have a grandmother that you can talk about so lovingly to your children one day. Bless her and you for wanting to keep her safe from the internet world. I am a trusting person and so I would think this internet thing will hurt me one day. Tell her to be carful.

-- Teresa (, July 13, 2001.

Response to SHAME ON ALL OF YOU!!

Don't ever try to shame me.

And anyone can say they are anyone on this BB. Hotmail accounts are a dime a dozen. You can have it today and its gone tomorrow. This does nothing but convince me that this and the other thread are ridiculous time wasters of a topic.

-- Anne (, July 13, 2001.

Response to SHAME ON ALL OF YOU!!

Everybody take a deep breath, go weed the garden or something, life will go on. We can all use a little mirth in our lives.

-- Hendo (, July 13, 2001.

Response to SHAME ON ALL OF YOU!!

Fake or not I liked reading the thread .It gave me hope ! Since when have we all became so wary of all threads ? I would not have given it a second thought .Maybe some of us need to get a hobby .

-- Patty {NY State} (, July 13, 2001.

Response to SHAME ON ALL OF YOU!!

You'd think it was winter and everyone had cabin fever! This is NOT isn't important!

-- Ardie from WI (, July 13, 2001.

Response to SHAME ON ALL OF YOU!!

Hey, let's all take a different tack. Let's give Karen and Grandma the benefit of the doubt and assume Grandma is real. So what if it is fake and we treat it as real. What does it hurt us. But on the other hand, what if she is real and we miss a great opportunity to connect with someone of her generation who knows a lot about homesteading. I recommend that we set up a thread topic category and name it "Talking to Grandma" and have that the category we put in any of our conversations with her. That will make it easy for her to find "her" messages and those who think Grandma is a fake can skip them and those of us willing to stick our necks out because our egos can take it if we are being dupped, can chat with Grandma if she turns out to be real. Here again, there were too many people wanting to judge a contributor before they would accept the possibility that they may be telling the truth. I vote, let's welcom Grandma with open arms because I would rather do that and find out she was a fake later than I would want to reject her now and find out she was real later.

-- Colleen (, July 13, 2001.

Response to SHAME ON ALL OF YOU!!

yeah, what colleen said.

-- diane (, July 13, 2001.

This was pretty funny ... 4 mile driveway on 10 acres. We have 10 acres, and it stretches back about 1/4 mile. Hmmm... if I narrowed it by about 16X, so I could get a 4 mile driveway, that's ALL I would have on the land. This, plus the AOL from the library, plus the time sent, etc. just don't add up folks. Real posts are so much more interesting.

-- Joe (, July 13, 2001.

Just in response to the last post - cuz I sure don't know about any of the rest of it - we have 10 acres and our driveway is at least a half mile long. Why??? Because most of the driveway is not on our land - we do have permanent, transferrable access though and since no one else lives down here, we do consider it our driveway and call it that. Cynthia

-- Cynthia Speer (, July 14, 2001.

hell that ain't nothing. our driveway is 6 miles uphill both ways.

-- b (, July 14, 2001.

Ok, you're right the driveway could be on someone else's land. I stand corrected. I just had to laugh though, at trying to get a 4-mile drive on 10acres.

6 miles uphill both ways... hmmmm... well, at least it'll keep those pesky salesmen out of your acres :-)

For all I know, they could be real ... they would be one interesting (and tired) couple if what they say is true. Sorry for any ill-will I contributed to this discussion ..

-- Joe (, July 15, 2001.

Heck, Granny is a lot more interesting than 20 people giving advice on the proper way to milk a goat, or 30 different ways to gather eggs. I would like to hear more from "Walt and Gladys".Bring it on "Granny" Life on the Farm.

-- Nathan Harris Sr. (, July 15, 2001.

Hi Karen, I found the thread your gradnmother posted and read it through. I was really happy to read it. Sorry so many people are bashing it so badly. I found nothing wrong with it at all. Was a little suprised to hear your grandfather likes vidoe games, but this is a free country and if he likes em good for him!! Give your grandmother a hug for me, she sounds like a one of a kind. It's too bad people have to run their mouths. Have a great day!

-- michelle (, July 15, 2001.

Folks, there's too much negativity in this world. Lighten up. Some things are important, others aren't. This falls into the "aren't" category. I'll never understand why people feel the need to be so nasty. Who cares if it's fake or not? Does it make a difference in your life? I say let's all just have a nice cold glass of tea and enjoy the day.....

-- Cheryl McCoy (, July 15, 2001.

I may be a little late, but our library has aol access available for anyone. I've been using the computer for a long time, but still don't know everything. It's easy to make mistakes, or maybe not know how to make a correct e-mail address. My parents have property and the driveway is at least 6 miles before you reach their property line. Some neighbors have to go another 2 miles through my parents property to get to theirs, and they live there all year long. I personally don't see anything unbelievable about Gladys and Walt. Karen, I hope you realize how lucky you are to have grandparents living this lifestyle, and learn everything you can from them, before you don't have that option.

-- Amber in WA (, July 16, 2001.

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