Where can I buy?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Pentax 67 SLR : One Thread |
Greetings All,I would like to buy the Pentax 67 II. My old Pentax is giving me problems so I'm serious about getting the new improved model.
I sure would appreciate any advice you can give me about where I could get the best deal (including shipping and handling charges, duty, taxes, etc).
-- Pablo Medico (P67lover@yahoo.com), July 08, 2001
After checking with everyone else for prices, try Delta International. They will sometimes give better prices than what they advertise, especially if you say you are a memeber of this forum. I got my zoom from them because they lowered their price to get the sale. Talk to Betty @ (877) 782-9840 X-13.
-- Steve Rasmussen (srasmuss@flash.net), July 09, 2001.
In May I bought six items including a new Pentax 67II body and AE prism from Cayman Camera Ltd., located on Grand Cayman island. Quoted price was $500 USD less than those of B&H in New York.Cayman ships by FedEx overnight which is expensive ($125). Still they bottom line net cost was around $400 lower. One big factor in their favor vs. buying from the highly recommended Robert White in England is that Cayman's stock comes with the Pentax USA warranty, (only important for residents in the USA). There were not any duty fees.
-- Garrett Adams (gadams@jps.net), July 08, 2001.
Forgot to include their web address: http://www.cayman.com.ky/com/caycamer/
-- Garrett Adams (gadams@jps.net), July 08, 2001.
Try www.nicam.it . Serious people and reliable. I bought an entire system from them. Regards
-- Roberto Manderioli (ik4jqw@amsat.org), July 09, 2001.
Avoid Genesis Camera- they advertize one price on the web, but then quote something different (higher) when you call. Their prices quoted still seemed good so I recently bought a P67II set-up from them and was told by the salesperson that they were USA models and had the Pentax USA warantee. This was important because Pentax has a rebate offer going on and you need to send in the warantee card to get it. The set-up came with no warantee materials and Genesis hasn't given me a straight answer on w
-- T.Grrman (honeychrom@aol.com), July 12, 2001.
Thanks for the feedback about Genesis. As it turns out I took someone's recommendation (on a different bulletin board) to try www.robertwhite.co.uk. I sent the order in yesterday and was informed by email that (barring any problems with customs) I should receive Pentax 67 II with AE finder tomorrow. This is the first time I have relied on subjective (and possibly false) opinions found on a BB to buy something this expensive (overseas no less). I will be much relieved when I actually have the items in my sweaty hands.
-- Pablo Medico (P67lover@yahoo.com), July 12, 2001.