problem with rooster's spur : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

O.k. here's the problem. I noticed today that one of my rooster's spurs does not look like it should. While one looks very healthy, the other is red and appears to have black on the end. What is this called and what should I do about it? He is favoring that leg as he tends to hold it up when he is standing still. Thanks!

-- c.d. (, July 07, 2001


Probably (I think) called injury - seriously. Not that the injury is serious, but that I am. Rooster's spurs are really just a horny sheath around a core of living tissue, which in turn covers bone. Sometimes for whatever reason that sheath can detach from the underlying base, and then you'll get blood seeping into the gap (red), and even older blood clotting and then drying (black). I'd take a closer look, with this in mind. Depending on the situation, it might be better to slip the sheath off, or just watch until it heals, and make sure it doesn't get infected. If the sheath is removed, it will re-form (like losing a fingernail).

-- Don Armstrong (, July 08, 2001.

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