Itenirate Elders for 2001 : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread

At the last General Conference it was voted that all new candidates will only receive their ordinations after recieveing Bachelor and seminary degrees. My question is when does this starts. will this affect candidates such as myself who have completed everything that was asked of them and are schedualed to become full connectional members of the church during the upcoming Annual Conferences?

-- Anonymous, July 07, 2001


It depends upon the District. Your Presiding Elder or Bishop should have the answer. In the Tenth District, persons who are in the process are "grandfathered" in but new candidates will meet the requirements.


Pastor Paris

-- Anonymous, July 08, 2001

On the other hand, Bishop Philip R Cousin in the 4th District has mandated that all candidates for ordination meet the established criteria effective for the 2001 Annual Conferences. They are: All Candidates for Admission be well along in their undergraduate programs and Deacons must have a bachelor's degree and all elder candidates an M Div.

-- Anonymous, July 19, 2001

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