Baby Chicks are here : LUSENET : Beyond the Sidewalks : One Thread

Hello everyone!! My fiance and I went to the local feed store and bought 21 chicks 10 Rhode Island reds and 11 buff Orpingons(Spelling?) My fiance Mike is so excited this is the first time he's had chickens and he's just like a new Daddy!!! I'm so excited my city boy is turning into a country boy!!!! He can't wait till they start laying and then when they slow down he can't wait to have one in the stew pot!!! He's even excited about cleaning and plucking the chickens!!!!

I had 40 some odd chickens but we started seeing them slowly go down in numbers,we thouhgt chicken hawks till one day my brother was home and some workers from a nearby horse farm came by being nosey (not seeing my brother) then when they saw him they asked if he had any chickens to sell!! I think thats where they were going cause brother was home when normally no one is home. So we will have to take extra care of the babies and lock the cages or something!!! Any ideas would be welcome. BTW we now have signs that tresspassers will be shot!! It's a funny sign but we feel it gets the message across!!

-- Anonymous, July 07, 2001


It is customary to tar and feather chicken thieves.

-- Anonymous, July 07, 2001

Aren't baby chicks the most fun?! Better'n TV to sit and watch; and I don't have a thing against chicken pot pie either!

I got a couple of old feather pillows Mitch, you got that tar warmed up yet?!

-- Anonymous, July 08, 2001

That's a good way to take care of the border runners!!!! These people come here and work for nothing (that happens when you don't have a green card!) then they want to steal you blind!!!! The people who has hired them has been caught several times employing these people and still nothing has happened to them. Oh well as long as they stay away from Mike's chicks they will be O.K.!!!!!

-- Anonymous, July 08, 2001

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