whatever happened to..

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where did tim's website go?? (i wasn't built......)

-- Anonymous, July 05, 2001


No clue; I've been wondering that myself.

-- Anonymous, July 05, 2001

I emailed him and haven't had any kind of response... I think his server deleted him or something, but that's just my guess. We all wait with anticipation...

-- Anonymous, July 06, 2001

maybe he's an unsolved mystery!!

dun dun dun...

-- Anonymous, July 06, 2001

So I'm not the only one who's been wondering what happened to Tim. This is very reassuring.

Greg, what address did you use in your attempt to contact him? I tried tim@almighty.co.uk (the one he posts to his forum with) and I have yet to receive a reply. I think I'll head off to Yahoogroups and e-mail him at the address he uses for his notify list. (I don't recall it offhand, but I'll find out in a minute, won't I?)

-- Anonymous, July 06, 2001

A slight bit of poking around on my part has led to http://www.pillowtalk.f2s.com/, which is where IWBTGUATT's Pillow Talk forum is hosted. There you'll find a fairly complete archive of the journal, but it's missing the three most recent entries.

Speaking of recent entries, did anyone read the *most* recent, dated June 24 (according to the notify list archives)? I missed it because I was away at the time, and I was wondering if it bore any clues as to his whereabouts. Hopefully he's just off on holiday and has yet to return. That still doesn't explain why Freespeech decided to yank the whole thing, though.

-- Anonymous, July 06, 2001

Oh come on, that's SO not fair! I even double-checked my tags and everything, and it STILL fucked up! Grrr, stupid HTML...

-- Anonymous, July 06, 2001

Update for those of you not on his notify list: Tim's not dead! He went on holiday and Freespeech happened to pull his site for no apparent reason. For the time his site is at the address referenced above (http://www.pillowtalk.f2s.com ). He's also started to play around with Greymatter... ooooh... =^)

-- Anonymous, July 19, 2001

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