John Thanks just got the walking onions : LUSENET : Beyond the Sidewalks : One Thread

John just got the walking onions and wanted to say a big THANKS to you that was so very sweet got you addy and will send ya something!!!! Called fiance at work and he's so excited since this will be his first ever thing he's ever planted!!!!! see my intro and see why he's excited and so am I !!!!!!!!!!!!

-- Anonymous, July 05, 2001


I just got mine today, too - thanks again, John!

If there's any way I can return the favor in the future, let me know! :-)

-- Anonymous, July 05, 2001

I got mine also john, and I will say it here also..........THANK YOU. And, does anyone else think john should get a Master's in duct tape???

-- Anonymous, July 05, 2001

John Thanks this sure takes me back to when my grandparents had these. Your walking onions sure took a hike glad to have them. Indiana Country Friend Jack Bunyard

-- Anonymous, July 05, 2001

geewhizz John, thanx so much for the onions........!!!!

I usually do my own research (and lotsa other folks too!) but I'm so short of time right now; could you please tell me what you know about where to plant em? (Can I plant em in my woods?)

Thanks dear..........and I'll send ya somethin back........althought it may be something weird?.............


-- Anonymous, July 06, 2001

I got my onions today and thanks a bundle, would you be interested in some bird house gourds seeds of all shapes includeing the ones that my dippers? there mixed all together. I will send postage right away, now can I keep in nice dry cool place till fall, and do I plant just like regular multiplers? I am just digging some of my multiplers and I store them till Sept.when it cools off a little. thanks again, Love Irene

-- Anonymous, July 06, 2001

Hey John thanks a gazillion for the onions. You got any duct tape left? Sherry

-- Anonymous, July 06, 2001

Like I said before folks, forget about postage. It wasn't as big a deal as I thot it might be and I'm sorry I mentioned it earlier.

As far as where to plant them, I'd guess anywhere other onions would grow would be OK for these. I suspect they'd need some sun so plant them on the edge of the woods if thats where you want them.

If you wanna send seeds or something back, just about any perrenial would be nice, but we're getting started with medicinal herbs. We have valerian, comfrey, rue, echinacia, and ???

Tnx for the offer of gourds but we have alot of them.

-- Anonymous, July 06, 2001

Thanks John, I just made it to the post office today. One heck of a wrapping job. It was the perfect size for the onions though. I will go through my herbs and see what I have. Joanie

-- Anonymous, July 13, 2001

Thanks a million, John!! Got my onions yesterday, hope to get them planted this weekend. By golly, them little suckers weren't gonna escape, were they!!

-- Anonymous, July 13, 2001

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