Primary and Secondary Education in Africa : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread

Dear brothers and sisters

We alaways talk about education, however most of the time we refer to education we mean tertiary education. Surprisingly, in Africa, and in Namibia in particular the majority of our memebers hardly makes it to secondary education levels. The church is quiet on education in these areas, therefore I am pleading with my brothers and sisters in the US and other First world countries to please help us to ensure that such members manage to obtain at least High School Education. This year I spent out of my own pocket about N$ 1000.00 that is US$ 125.00 about 100 Pounds to pay for exam fees of scholars from the Ebenezer AME Church where I am pastoring.

Therefore, my fellow brothers and sisters help us at least to educate our people and in so doing make a difference in Life, Society, Church and above all for the Master. God bless!!

-- Anonymous, July 03, 2001

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