Another question about restoring : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I was wondering if anyone has ever repainted a woodstove and what kind of paint they used.I have a Pioneer Maid cookstove (and heat) that needs the stainless steel top cleaned and needs repainting. I know I need a high heat paint but when I called Sherwin Williams they said all they had was BBQ grill spray paint. I don't want to spray paint in my kitchen if I don't have to and was looking for something nicer paintwise. Anyone have any resource info? Also, any ideas on how to clean the stove top so it shines again?
And one more thing- Does anyone know where I can find replacement firebricks for this stove?
Thanks in advance
Mrs G
-- Mrs G (, July 02, 2001
Lehman's and I believe Cumberland General Store both carry stove black. Not sure of the prices. Lehman's has a web site but I don't know if Cumberland does or not. Also, some small 'country' type hardware stores also carry stove paint formulated for woodstoves. The local Ace Hardware here sells it. I have rebuilt four old stoves over the years--two wood heating stoves, one wood cookstove, and one coal cookstove. Sure is neat to get one going again.
-- HannahMariaHolly (, July 02, 2001.
Cumberland General Store
-- Sojourner (notime4@summer.spam), July 03, 2001.