Brightest Flashlight you own? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

What is the brightest flashlight you own? We have a 1,000,000 candle powered rechargeable. Its a brute weighs in at 3.5 pounds.

Anyone have similar but lighter weight?

-- Kenneth in N.C. (, July 02, 2001


I don't know the candlepower or the weight, but I like the big metal MagLite. You can run it with just two or three D cells, or, with an extension, up to five. The machining on it is without par. It's a light you can have for a lifetime.

Since I have some Makita 9.6V battery operated tools, I also bought their flashlight which operates off the same rechargable batteries. With that I have not only a home charger but also a battery charger which plugs into the cigarette lighter outlet in my truck. I hope this helps.

-- Gary in Indiana (, July 02, 2001.

We have a light like that. Only lasts for 1/2 hour on a charge.

Also have a couple of Sure Fire 6P. $ 55.00 + one battery change in 2 years @ $12.00 . It is wourth it.

-- Rick (, July 02, 2001.

I have a five D cell Mag Lite. The kind the police use. It has an adjustable beam - from spot to flood. On spot it shines several hundred feet with pretty good illumination (on fresh batteries). It doubles as a really heavy club for self defense but is not considered a weapon.

-- Skip Walton (, July 03, 2001.

I agree with Skip, Nothing beats a 5 or 6 cell Maglight.

-- Gary (, July 03, 2001.

We carry a five cell Mag Lite in each vehicle. Living way out in the boonies we never know what we'll run across. The light makes not only a good light but could be used as a nightstick if needed. :)

-- Grannytoo (, July 03, 2001.

agree with maglight. Considering brightness, battery life, durability, it can't be beat. They are completely waterproof also. You can also use either krypton or halogen bulbs to fit your purpose if you want to sacrifice a bit of battery life for added brightness.

-- somebody (, July 03, 2001.

Just gave the 1 million cp light a total work out. It last 1 hour 48 min on a full charge. Down side is when it's charge is up it goes out with out a warning. I had thought it would get dimmer then go out. I was wrong :-) Can you say stranded in the dark. (inside a 160,000 sq.ft building no less) Luckily the wife weren't as trusting as I and had her Mini-mag in her pocket. Whew :-)~

I've read about but never used the multi-led type flashlights. Anyone here have experience with them?

WE have a 3 D-cell Mag-light. It rides in the back of the pickup along with an older Rayovac RoughNeck.

-- Kenneth in N.C. (, July 05, 2001.

Led lights -

I have a PALight. It runs on a single 9-volt battery, is a single led light, and has 4 different settings. It is been on continuously since I purchased it in February (yep - 5 months ago) and is still going strong. If you want a small, but bright, reliable pocket light, give one of these a try.


-- j (, July 05, 2001.

j do you have an URL on the PAL-Light? How does it compare say to the Mag-light AAA varity?

-- Kenneth in N.C. (, July 06, 2001.

-- somebody (, July 08, 2001.


-- Kenneth in N.C. (, July 08, 2001.

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