Nikon f65 vs Cannon EOS300 : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread


I am planing to purchase my first SLR camera and would like some advice from the experts in the group as to which out of the following should i choose, Nikon F65 (sold as N65 in US) or the Cannon EOS300.

I am getting these cameras at around 350-400 GBP with twin lens 28-80mm & 75-300 mm

thanks mahesh

-- mahesh bhat (, July 01, 2001


Hi Mahesh,

There was a thread on this subject about 9 months ago. Neither camera has changed much since then so the comments there would still be relevant for you. (Rebel 2000 is Canon's US name for the EOS 300.)


Dr Owl

-- John Owlett (, July 02, 2001.

Hai I have a Nikkon f65 and , it all depends on how u handle ur camera. In fact I have taken some fantactic shots with a 100% manual Zenith-SLR (not even battries) .No matter u have the best HI FI expensive camera the result finally seen on the print not on the specs.Try avoiding the auto and experiment on manual focus and apature settings u end up with some real Pro shots. all the best , Practise well and have a great time,


-- Ramanan (, October 15, 2001.

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