New Discipline & Doctrine : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread

The session of the General Board and Bishop's Council in LA< US has come to an end. Can anybody give us information on when the new AME Book of Discipline & Doctrine will be printed? and where and how we can buy copies. Thanks

-- Anonymous, June 29, 2001


Rev. Hanse,

I posed that question to the publishing staff. I was told that it is still on the presses. usually the bishops have to set the price before it is distributed. I know this sounds like one of those " AME" answers, but it's the one I got

-- Anonymous, June 29, 2001

Bro. Tim: Thanks for the input but I do have one question. How can the "Bishops set the price" for the Discipline? This is the "job" of the free market, ergo, buyers and sellers independently contracting for an item of value. If Bishops can "set the price" of an item of value this presupposses they have the necessary information regarding customer profile, production costs and foregone profit alternatives. I would suspect that the artificial prices set by the Bishops has resulted in market misallocation and inefficient supply-chains. QED

-- Anonymous, June 29, 2001

I don't know about the price but I know you won't see a new discipline this year (2001), that is.


Pastor Paris

-- Anonymous, June 29, 2001

Just spoke to the Publisher and the new discipilne WILL be out by this fall (in time for most Annual Conferences. (As is always the case).

Secondly, the "Commission on Publications" whose Chair is Bishop Cummings will set the price of the new Discipline; the BISHOP(S) never sets the price of ANYTHING at the Publishing House. And this was confirmed by Bishop Cummings.

Thirdly, Rev. Paris, you should not publish such inaccurate, discouraging, damaging and uncorroborated information that makes one look with the Publisher and the Publishing House with a sense of incompetence. The Publishing House has to print the church periodicals, Christian Education Literature, Hymnals and other books (both secular and theological) and the Disciplines as well. Considering their work load and corresponding productivity, I think they are doing well thus far.

-- Anonymous, June 29, 2001

I apologize. I recieved word from Ms. Tyler that the Discipline will be in the Episcopal Districts by September 2001.


Pastor Paris

-- Anonymous, June 29, 2001

I am thanky that thedisciplines will be available in September. However,13-14 months to publish this document is really unreasonable. We can not continue to make excuses. It's time to realize that we must remain competitive as a congregation, whether we would like to or not, or we want remain a viable denomination. Wake up sisters and brothers!!!!!!! No more excuses. It's Time to Deliver On Time!!!!!

-- Anonymous, June 30, 2001

The previous e-mail should have said, "I am thankful" vs "I am thanky"

-- Anonymous, June 30, 2001

Brothers and Sisters

I mean, the most important piece or book next to the bible, within the context of the African Methodism is the AME Book of Discipline. And it should therefore be treated with the importnace and significance it deserves. There should and cannot be any excuses about the time taken for the discipline. To get the Dsicipline ready should be the first priority after the General Conference and should be made ready within six months after the closure of the General Conference. Otherwise how do you know about new legislation that were passed and new developments i.e. budget, African Jurisdiction etc.

Come on brothers and sisters, I know we can do better than this. God bless!

-- Anonymous, July 02, 2001

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