What Panecur dose to worm 30 lb doeling (goat)?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

What is the dosage for Panecur, anyone? I've searched the old messages but couldn't find anything for Panecur, which is what my vet gave me. I'm wanting to double check with you goat knowledgable people, because I don't know how well my vet knows goats (first time I've taken an animal to him). Trouble is, he gave me syringes (oral)already filled so I can't read instructions on package.

Thanks so much!


-- Elizabeth in E TX (kimprice@peoplescom.net), June 28, 2001


I use liquid panacure, not sure which kind you have, paste or liquid? Mine comes in a plastic bottle from the vet. I dose at 1cc per 20 lbs, orally, for the goats.

I also use it for my pups and dogs at 1cc per 10 lbs, even at 2 weeks old. It was as good as Happy Jack, the expensive stuff, with the pups.

-- Cindy in KY (solidrockranch@msn.com), June 28, 2001.

Hi Elizabeth: Panacur is "fenbendazole", as is Safeguard, another trade name for it. It is a very safe, broad-spectrum dewormer with a wide safety margin...you don't have to worry about over-dosing that drug. I give it by tripling my goats' weight and giving that approximate amount of paste. So if your doe weighs 30 lbs., you could safely give her about 100 lbs worth of paste. Followup again in 30 days to be sure you kill the larvae that would've been eggs at the first dosage. Then get a fecal sample checked again to be sure she's clean. Hope this helps. :)patty

-- Patty Putnam (littlegoats@wi.rr.com), June 28, 2001.

It must not be the paste, because it's runny and drips out of the syringe when I take the cap off. I am more worried about giving too low a dosage than too high. He gave me 5 cc's for a 30 lb doeling. Does that sound right? I've heard if the dosage is too low it can cause all sorts of problems.

-- Elizabeth in E TX (kimprice@peoplescom.net), June 28, 2001.

Your wise to worry about too little. The vets made a mistake on our ewes last year and gave way too little and I ended up with big time problems. Not only an immunity to Panacurbut and overload of parasites with my poor sheep. Almost lost one. Anyway he gave me 5cc per 100 weight. I just looked up what was given. I would say 5cc for your 30 pders would be sufficient. Now it is my understanding that with your ivomectin and safeguard products you can give large amounts without overdosing. Do not overdose with tramisol. Tramisol works in an 8 hr period as oppose to the others andyou need the correct weight. When I have given a dab too much I get alot of diarreha and plain sick sheep.

-- Debbie (bwolcott@cwis.net), June 28, 2001.

could you please clarify your response?

-- patty's response (irishwaters2@aol.com), December 04, 2001.

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