Tokina ATX Pro 20-35mm : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread |
I was wondering anybody had any experience with this lens. Since nikon is twice as expensive as Tokina. I have been reading some of the websites about this lens, they are pretty good. I want to hear some of the people actually used it and would like to get some input.thanks jin
-- Jin (, June 26, 2001
Jin,I had the Tokina 235AT 3.5-4.5 and found the build quality to of the Tokina to be quite good. I traded the lens in for the Nikon 18-35. My results have been that the Nikon is a better lens overall optically but feels more plasticy than the Tokina. At the time I bought the Tokina, it was the only lens available in the same range as the Nikon. I would bet that the ATX Pro you are looking at is a good performer and you would be happy with it. Tokina, in my opinion, is one of the best third party lens manufactures out there. The difference in the picuture quality should be minimal.
Good Luck
-- Joel (, June 27, 2001.