anyone form Alberta? especially the Edmonton area : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Any one from Alberta out there? i am contemplating a move there form the states. I have a potential job lined up. Looking for any and all info on the area. Particularly around Edmonton. thanks guys

-- steve (, June 25, 2001


My in-laws live in Edmonton, and my husband grew up there. We just got back from a trip visiting them. It is affordable, especially in comparison to the rest of Canada (Saskatchewan is cheaper generally, and BC much more expensive). The Edmonton area has just experienced a drought this spring (the worst they say for over a hundred years) so take the time to have a good look around but don't judge this year's crops as typical. What kind of information are you wanting? About the city? Surrounding property and prices? The weather is typical prairie. Usually dry, warm, windy summers and cold, dry winters. Let me know if there are any specific questions I might be able to answer for you.

-- Cindy Clarke (, June 26, 2001.


Alberta is a great place to be. Lots of jobs. Lowest taxes. No Provincal tax, and cheap gas prices. Land in and around the city is expensive but if your willing to drive 20 to 30 min to the city from the north or the east land is much cheaper. Most of the city folk have their hobby farms and acreages south and west of the city. Which makes land much more expensive, and I personally would not want those type of people living next to me. I don't think they would like the sight or smell of real farm animals. I grew up in Alberta, and now live in Edmonton. I'm in the military and have lived and worked as far east as Quebec, and I can honestly say Alberta is the best province to be in. I hope I've been of some help. Jason...

-- Jason (, June 28, 2001.

Hi Steve - We are located about an hour east of Edmonton (Mundare - world famous sausage) My husband drives into Edmonton every day. We are actually planning a move to the States (probably Ohio or WV area) as I am a US citizen. Land out this way is VERY inexpensive, rural families are great and roads to all centres well taken care of. Low taxes. DRY SPELL is over - rained for 2 weeks grass is growing, hay is being cut and crops are looking good. (Unless your not a farmer then what does it matter) Dry weather meant no misquitoes this year. Any questions feel free to email us

-- Stefanie (, July 16, 2001.

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