HELP!! GOATS! PLEASE HURRY! : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
We are getting ready to pack up and go to the fair but there is a problem. Maybe I should start with 3 days ago. we gave most of the goats wormer. yesturday the 2 biggest kids (the onley ones we had given wormer) had diarrea (scowers) today Junior (2 year old wether great big pet)was barfing. When he would act like he was going to chew his cud when he go it up from his stomach he would shake his head and let it sling all over. then he would make faces like it tasted awful. he did it twice in about 5-10 min. we noticed that there was more around the barn and in the barn. Junior didn't get any wormer we ran out before we got to him. when he did the slinging cud trick (nothing better descibes it) there was corn (not chewed) a little hay and grass and a lot of what used to be water but know it was a olive green color. it was really soggy. sorry if i grossed any one out. none of the "problem" goats are going to the fair sould we be worried about the others? at night the fair goats are pened up sepperatly and are feed different food. but durning the day they are all together. I will write later and tell how they are doing. Sorry about the misspells i was in a hurry.
-- lindsey in south-central IL (, June 24, 2001
Just thought of another thing ther is a lot of snoke root in there pasture but it has been there for years and so have they and there has never been a problem. it is not bluming but maybe they ate the buds?
-- lindsey in south-central IL (, June 24, 2001.
I hope someone helps you out like Vicky but with my sheep when I use tramisol they get diarreha for a day or two. I think it is the type of wormer. The throwing up sounds not too good, can you call a vet?
-- Debbie (, June 24, 2001.
What did you use for a wormer? I have not experienced that in all my years of worming where the goats would get the runs afterwards. It sound slike maybe from the color that they ate something too rich? Did you recently change their feed or give them a new type of hay or grain?That barfing is a serious problem. I know from my experience yrs ago when we first started in goats. That was 12 yrs ago and we were in western NYS. We had a doe who had gotten out of her pen and munched my rhododendron bush. She was foaming at the mouth and had the runs bad and barfing. i knew I was in trouble so i called the vet. luckily he was doing a farm call down the road at the neighbors. he came up and said it was poising from the bush. he did say that the barfing was good as she got most of it out of ehr system. The goat may experience bloat so you better watch it carefully. I would give her some mineral oil to get it out of her system, cleanse it and then walk her a lot if she bloats til she expels the rest of it. To control the runs I use Pepto bismol, the adult dose. That usually helps clear it up. Then i'd give her afterwardss some baking soda in a sort of soupy mix with a turkey baster down the hatch. You may also want to give her probiotics for a few days and watch her.
We had a buck get into the grain bin a few yrs ago, couldn't get ahold of the vet so we used milk of magnesia and walked him, after the fact the vet calls and he said to give a little mineral oil followed by baking soda paste and then antibiotics for 5 days 2 x's a day, we used penacillin (sp?).
Hope this helps.
-- Bernice (, June 24, 2001.
Also, remember when you worm, you kill the good bugs along with the bad ones. Cocci is not affected by wormers and the good bugs are gone and can no longer fight them, thus they take over especially after worming. There are many threads in the archives on Coccidia. Does charcoal and water work on goats for poisoning? How about milk and bread? I really don't know that one.
-- Cindy in KY (, June 24, 2001.
I would also like to know what you wormed with. Tramisol will cause foaming of the mouth, and they could sling their cud from the acidosis in their rumen from the tramisol. Actually all the symproms sound much more like with Fair around the corner somebody has been heaping in the grain, like the undigested corn in the cud. The food sits in the rumen being chewed by the bacteria/flora and then is coughed up into the cud to be chewed further, and should contain much grain that you can identify, but a green slurry with what looks like alfalfa, even if you don't feed alfalfa. The cud is also not watery. I would put everybody on Probios and put baking soda out. Re-speak to the kids feeding explaining about how you feed. If they want to give the goats treats than give them Black Oil Sunflowerseeds and not more grain. You may want to get something like Bloat Guard or Thera Bloat to keep on hand, and always giving Probios after worming.Does your grain mix or pellet contain a cocci treatment in it? Is this meat animals who have been off hay, because it gives them hay bellies? Biggy is the amount of grain and what and amounts of wormer. Vicki
-- Vicki McGaugh TX (, June 24, 2001.