AME Church Bishops' Council Session Headed to Florida in June, 2002 : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread

According to AME tradition over the past twenty or more years, the AME Bishops' Council will meet in the Episcopal District of the in-coming president of the Council or if he presides overseas, it meets in his home state or designated state. It was announced that the 2002 Bishops' Council will meet in Florida, the home of Bishop Adam J. Richardson, Resident Bishop of the 19th Episcopal District, South Africa and the in-coming President of the Council in June, 2002.

Bishop Richardson did an outstanding job as Bishop of West Africa and mainly lived there, building churches and schools with what limited resources were available while civil wars were on-going in both Sierra Leone and Liberia as well as govenrmental instability in Nigeria. He also presided over the countries of Ghana and Ivory Coast and organized AME congregations in Togo, West Africa.

Although a city in Florida for the site of the 2002 Bishops Council has not been confirmed yet, it is rumored that it will be held either in Tallahassee or Tampa.

Let us continue in our prayers for the A. M. E. Church around the world and don't forget our brothers and sisters overseas, most of whom are laboring under conditions we, Americans, could not tolerate for an entire hour.

-- Anonymous, June 23, 2001


Here's a news flash, the 2002 Bishop's Council will be the most closely watched in the history of African Methodism. Now I wonder who on this BB is a member of the 2002 host church [oops!]in Tallahasse where Bishop Richardson was formerly pastor :-)?? QED

-- Anonymous, June 23, 2001

Hmm, I will go out on a limb and guess...I-I-I-Is it, is it you Bill?  Bethel, right around the way from FAMU!  Egad!

-- Anonymous, June 23, 2001

Man that Chuck is really smart!!! QED

-- Anonymous, June 24, 2001

It will probably be in Tampa. Tallahassee does not have an International Airport for the Bishops to fly into. As you know, Bishop is from Tampa. I think John Green would love to host the General Board/ Bishop's Council Meeting, but I believe they will go to his home town of Tampa for convenience of all.

-- Anonymous, June 25, 2001


The absence of an international airport should not preclude Tallahassee form hosting the 2002 Bishops Council. Overseas attendees can connect into either Tampa, Orland or Miami and fly into Tallahassee. The compelling case for Tallahassee to host the Bishops Council is based on four indisputable facts:

a. Tallahassee is the state capitol. Photo-ops have a more pursuasive appeal from the steps of the Capitol building as oppossed to a downtown hotel in Tampa.

b. Tallahassee is the home of FAMU. The majority of AME clergy in FL have roots with FAMU. A linkage between the college and the AMEC would be terrific for both.

c. Bethel AMEC in Tallahassee is one of the largest if not the largest church [measured in sq. ft.] in the entire 11th District. My church can comfortably seat 1,300 in the main sanctuary not to mention accomodating 300-400 additional attendees in the chapel and fellowship hall. That totals 1,700! Nothing in Tampa comes close.

d. Tampa is indeed the home of Bishop Richardson but Bethel AMEC is the church where he pastored for nearly 20 years prior to being promoted to the Bishopric.

Tallhassee has more than adequate hotel and lodging and the airlines can negotiate an airfare favorable for out-of-town atteendes. Tampa is a great town but the 2002 Bishops Council should be in the state capitol of Florida. QED

-- Anonymous, June 26, 2001

Good presentation, Bill, and one Bishop told me today that it appears we will be going to Tallahassee although it is not final. However, Bethel AME Church (Miami, FL) for sure has a larger sanctuary and possible St. Mark, Orlando as well. I think St. Paul, Jacksonville and at least 3 others would rival Bethel, Tallahassee's sanctuary but admittedly it is one of the largest.

But we are not looking at the size of the sanctuaries;we are looking at what Tallahassee has to offer, the convenience of airports and hotel rates. And by your measure, I agree; Tallahassee beats Tampa 2 to 1.

-- Anonymous, June 26, 2001

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