Goat banding problems

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

We had a little buck goat banded four weeks ago and he has been fine until the last two days. He has started licking and chewing at that area and the sack is very small and hard but he has a raw but not infected spot next to the sack on his tummy. Can anyone tell me if this is normal. Is there something I can do for him besides take him to a vet which isn't possible? Thanks for any help Nancy

-- Nancy Steele (nsteele@theofficenet.com), June 22, 2001


Nancy, the small, hard sack is normal, but not the raw area. Perhaps they are totally unrelated. If it is not infected there are a number of things it could be. If it were my goat I would clean it well with alcohol, peroxide or iodine several times a day and see what happened. It sounds like it must be itching him, I have used a benadryl type cream for itchy spots on livestock before with good results.

-- diane (gardiacaprines@yahoo.com), June 22, 2001.

Agree with Diane, lots of the boer goat breeders are cutting off the withered sack after about a week. During fly season I think this is a great idea. We also spray our wethers testicles, well lack their of :) every weekend, not only to check on the rubber band but to also keep it disinfected. I use any spray that is antiseptic. Stopped using so much iodine after a vet told me it can be harmful for healing, and with our humidity, other than comfrey I use very little of any ointments or salves. Dryness is the key. Vicki

-- Vicki McGaugh TX (vickilonesomedoe@hotmail.com), June 22, 2001.

Hi Nancy.

Glad to see Diane posted the caution about iodine. You need to watch the stregnth of the iodine used on ANY livestock since it can cause greater irritation than the actual wound. In Your case, a topical cream or salve is probably adequate. Then keep an eye on it.

Good luck!


-- Randle Gay (rangay@hotmail.com), June 23, 2001.

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